XML Localisation for C++ (xmlloc-cpp), is designed to be a relatively simple way of handling locale-specific resource strings in C++ programming.
The standard way of creating 'resource strings' in C++ is typically:
#define CONSTANT_STRING "A constant string"
static char g_strConstantString[] = "A constant string";
Which is fine as long as you're developing for a single language, but what happens when you require resource strings in multiple languages?
Xmlloc helps you control your resource strings more easily by allowing you to store your resource strings in a structured external xml file. This file is compiled into a .h header file that you include in your project to provide shortcut tokens to select the current language group and retrieve strings.
So where you once used:
string strTest = CONSTANT_STRING;
You can now use:
string strTest = CONSTANT_STRING;
Which is exactly the same, except now CONSTANT_STRING links to a intelligent resource handler and any locale-specific resource strings will be taken into account.